

文 / 小Mic



'There was a male dog that was barking when officers burst onto the scene but when it saw its owners obeying the command to lie down, it ran over and laid down as well.'
Brazilian animal psychiatrist and dog trainer Barnie Rico said: 'The dog lying on its back exposing its belly is a classic sign of submission in the dog world.
'By exposing its underbelly to any potential attacker it is showing that it doesn't mean any trouble.
'The dog is also turning its head away as looking at the potential enemy can also be seen as a sign of aggression to another dog.
'It is clearly a very clever animal because it saw the rest of its pack given in, and decided to copy them.'
Online users pointed out that with local police thing to simply shoot dogs on site when carrying out armed raids, it was probably a good move to make sure everyone realised the animal didn't cause any trouble.
It was reportedly not arrested with the rest of the suspected gang.


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